Healthy intestines?

FOBCHECK is a rapid one-step test for the qualitative detection of human hemoglobin in fecal samples.

FOBCHECK is designed to help diagnose gastrointestinal disorders and detects human hemoglobin (Hb) with a cut-of level of 40 ng/ml.

In addition to possible intestinal diseases such as diverticulitis, colitis, or colon polyps, the blood in the stool sample may indicate an early stage of the colorectal cancer.


  • Rapid screening for early detection
  • Minimal sample contact
  • Easy to use
  • Detects human occult blood as low as 40 ng/ml hemoglobin as the threshold level
  • No cross reactivity to hemoglobin from other species
  • Results are accurate and reliable:
    • Sensitivity of 97,1%
    • Specificity of 98,8%
    • Proven Accuracy of 98,6%

Each kit contains everything necessary for the test performance: a test cassette, an instruction lea*et, a sampling tube with developer solution and sample transfer device. The results can be read within 5 minutes.


“Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world, with nearly 1,4 million new cases diagnosed in 2012. 2,4 million cases of colorectal cancer diagnosed annually worldwide by 2035.“ (“gures/data-speci”c-cancers/colorectal-cancer-statistics).

Colorectal cancer mortality can be reduced if cases are detected and treated early. The hidden blood is not seen with the naked eye and can be detected with FOB screening test.


abdomen persistent pain, blood in the stool, a change in bowl habits, diarrhea, constipation.